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4 Signs You Need Your Upholstery Professionally Cleaned

  • By (Admin)
  • 17 Jan, 2018
You have your carpets cleaned at least once a year to protect the fragile fibers and keep your flooring looking neat and tidy. Your upholstery, including your chairs, couches and other fine furnishings, should be treated as well with professional care.

When should you have your upholstery cleaned? Here are four signs you need to have your fine furniture inspected and cleaned by a carpet cleaning specialist.

Your Upholstery Has Odors

There are many reasons why your furniture may carry odors: food stains, pets, children and simple age all play a factor in the foul smell coming out of your couches and chairs.

Since upholstered fabric varies in the way it's woven and applied to your furniture pieces and often covers foam and other filler, it's not recommended to simply wipe down your upholstered items on your own. Call a carpet cleaning specialist so they can use special steam cleaning tools to remove odors and make your furniture comfortable again.

Your Upholstery is Uncomfortable

As fibers wear out in your upholstery, they can begin to pill, have loose threads, stretch and wrinkle or feel rough to the touch. Cotton and acrylic blends can be prone to wear even if they are durable materials. A delicate material, such as silk, can tear and ripple over time.

Having your upholstery professionally cleaned not only helps remove grime and stains, but it also preserves the fabrics that make up your furniture, so they appear more attractive and feel more comfortable to use. Speak to your carpet cleaning specialist about the concerns you have for your furniture so they can be prepared to treat your upholstery properly when they arrive at your home.

Your Upholstery Appears Faded

While the sun can certainly bleach the hues that make up your furniture and cause it to fade unevenly, your furniture may actually not be faded at all. Rather, years of dust and stains accumulating on your upholstered pieces can make some areas appear lustrous and others dull and aged.

Before you replace your seemingly outdated furniture, call your carpet cleaning specialist and have them deep clean your upholstery. Once your furniture has been completely dried, you will see the vibrant hues appearing more even, giving your furniture pieces a newer, more engaging appeal.

Your Upholstery is Causing Allergies

Allergens can rest in your furniture pieces just as easily as they can hide in your carpeting and have an easier time remaining there. The reason is simple: there are many crevices and cracks in your upholstery where allergens can reside and irritate the senses of anyone who sits down in them.

Vacuuming your upholstered pieces whenever you clean your floors (use a vacuum hose for nooks) can be helpful, but having your upholstery professionally treated is even more beneficial. Not only can a carpet cleaning specialist remove the dirt and grime possibly caused by allergens in the air, but you can also eradicate harmful bacteria and germs as well.

Your upholstery specialist will show you the chemicals and steam cleaning methods they use for the specific type of upholstered items you have. Follow your cleaning specialist's recommendations for scheduled treatments so you can keep your furniture clean year-round.

You can make your furniture look better and last longer simply by having it professionally cleaned. Consider having your upholstery treated when you have your carpets attended to, or follow the guidance of your carpet cleaning specialist for routine care and cleanings.

Your carpets, rugs, drapes, and upholstery should be cleaned by a professional. Trust our team to keep your fine furnishings and carpets clean and inviting. Call our experts at Smith-Mathis Inc. today to schedule an appointment.
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